Subject: Why “No days off” is stupid advice

It's doing more harm than good

Every week I take at least 1 day off.

I'll plan the week ahead and use the remainder of the day to rest.


Meet friends and family...

Go to the gym and sauna...

Read books and go for nature walks...

And most importantly, I'll get out of my own head to recharge.

You see, in an industry like copywriting it's easy to be switched on all the time.

You're always thinking about the next big idea, client results, and how to build your business.

And when you don't switch off, you work constantly.

When you work constantly, your mind becomes fatigued in the same way any other muscle would.

This leads to brain fog, unproductive work sessions, and stress.

What should take you 30 minutes ends up taking 2 hours.

And if you keep pushing you end up burning out.

I've experienced this myself first hand, and trust me, it's not fun.

But when you take just 1 day off, you give yourself time to recharge.

You switch off from the hustle of everyday work sessions and give your brain time to process everything.

So when you start working again you feel more productive, and return with better ideas.

Working hard is important, and you need to put in the hours.

But don't buy into the idea that you need to work 24/7 to succeed.

This is never the case.

Give yourself time to rest and come back better than ever.

Have a great week,

Copy "prioritize rest" Maverick

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