Subject: Why AI could be your new best friend


Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, AI is here and it's changing the copy game.

It can be used to write essays, blog articles, and even landing pages (somewhat).

While some people are playing the fearmongering game, I believe AI will be a HUGE asset to the copywriting industry.

Firstly, it's going to completely change market research.

Research is currently a time consuming and often frustrating job.

As AI gains more information on the general consumer, you can easily get it to do the research for you.

This includes:

> Finding the latest trends

> Explaining complex topics

> Looking at top competitors

> Finding out niche problems

> Looking at customer pain points

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If you use it correctly, AI will be the research partner you always wanted.

Another way it can be used is to generate ideas.

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, ideas are simply nowhere to be found.

You sit there for hours and... nothing.

With AI, you can generate headlines, big ideas and hooks to inspire you.

Now it's important you don't actually use the exact thing it gives you as you'll be penalised by Google.

However, reading through what the AI offers and going for a long walk will almost guarantee results.

And lastly, you can use AI to write up complex contracts or refund policies.

Normally you'd need a professional (or hours of research) to write up a good contract.

Now AI can do it for you in a few seconds.

Give it a read over and you're on your way.

Whether you like it or not, the reality is AI is coming.

You can let this demotivate you & quit or you can use it to take your business to new levels.

Those who manage to capitalise and understand AI will thrive in the future.

Those who choose to ignore it will let it consume them.

If I were you I'd start doing my research now.

Give a few different programmes a go, see which you like and test out different prompts to see which work for you.

A few hours throughout the week will already get you ahead of the competition.

Don't let yourself fall behind.

Copy "AI is your friend" Maverick

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