Subject: What They Don't Tell You About Copywriting


When it comes to copywriting people always talk about the big wins.

The freedom. The profits. The sales.

What they don't talk about is the downside you need to go through to get there.

The mental battles. The things you miss out on. The rejections.

I've personally given up a lot to get where I am today.

I was rejected 100s of times. I lost friends. I missed out on events.

Whilst everyone else celebrated, I'd be planning my next move.

At the same time, I had to battle with my own mind.

The doubt.

Am I good enough?

Have I chosen the right path?

Will I ever get to where I want to be?

If you've ever experienced this, understand it's normal.

Your first few years in writing will be filled with ups and downs.

However, you need to go through these to achieve success.

Not just in writing, but in all areas of life.

When you feel at your lowest, when you want to quit, this is when change is coming.

You just need to push through the pain.

Don't quit because you've taken a loss.

Keep going you're one loss closer to success.

Have a great week, keep working towards those goals,

Copy Mav

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