Subject: What I'd do if I was to start from scratch


A stereotype of a copywriter is that you need to be lonely.

Quiet days. Evenings by yourself. No team to talk with.

This was something I believed for a long time too.

And even now I spend time writing copy by myself.

Being alone to focus should be an important part of your routine.

However this isn't the full picture.

I'd go as far as to say being a lone copywriter can actually damage your progress.

This was the case for me.

During my first year I worked completely alone.

I wrote the copy. Edited it myself and sent it off.

I quickly became miserable. My productivity dropped. My motivation disappeared.

This is the case for many new copywriters.

But your experience doesn't have to be the same.

If I was to start from scratch the first thing I'd do is contact other copywriters.

Contact them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.

Send specific messages that show you've made an effort.

Offer value.

No generic questions.

No "Hello".

Treat it like cold outreach.

You'll get some responses. You'll also get blanked.

But what you'll achieve is more valuable than anything: connections.

The best copywriters talk to other copywriters.

They're part of groups and communities.

These groups are information banks for new (and experienced) writers.

They can skyrocket your progress.

They'll also refer you to projects they haven't got time for.

An easy way to get your foot through the door.

Once you have those connections they'll stay with you throughout your career.

You'll always have experts you can turn to when you need help.

In my experience this has been the highest ROI activity you can do.

Send out some DM's this week and connect with some new people.

One connection can change your life.

Keep winning,

Copy Mav

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