Subject: This skill is about to become priceless

And it can help you stand out in less than 6 months

Copywriting is changing fast.

Buyers are more educated than ever and expect a personalised experience.

Gone are the days of cheap sales tactics and discounts.

Instead, you need to learn how to build relationships.

Building relationships will be the most in-demand skill by 2025.

More than ever people are identifying with the brands they buy.

And when they identify with a brand they share it with others, talk about it, and promote it on social media.

But how can you build relationships with your audience?

Offer real value.

And no. I don't mean sending your customers a blog article about the top 5 supplements.

Instead tell your customers something they haven't heard before.

What is the latest research saying about your products?

What market trends could influence your audience?

What historical applications did your ingredients have?

You want to offer new perspectives to present yourself as the expert in your industry.

Keep it casual, and always link research back to how it benefits the reader.

If you do this correctly you'll have people excited to open your emails.

Tell customer stories.

People want to feel like they're part of a community.

And you can give that community feeling in your copy.

Send AT LEAST 1 customer story a week.

In the story talk about the customer's problems, pain points, and how you solved them.

The more detail you use, the more emotion you create.

And the more emotion you create, the more invested someone will be in your brand.

Your story should be simple, relatable, and show your solution.

Be human.

90% of the businesses I audit have 1 of 2 problems.

Firstly, they're too corporate.

They use complex language and sound robotic.

You want to be casual.

Talk to your customers as if they're friends.

Tell stories about the founder.

Be open and funny to create genuine relationships.

And no matter what, don't use AI.

AI is a great tool for research.

But people can tell when it's been used for writing.

And trust me when I tell you this...

People are fed up with reading AI rubbish.

It doesn't sound real and it shows you don't value the reader as a buyer.


These are just 3 of the ways you can build relationships.

When you write, start to think how you can improve a relationship.

If you were the customer what would make you connect with the brand?

Start thinking like this and you'll wipe the floor with copywriters that focus on cheap sales tactics.

Have a great week,

Copy "Build relationships" Maverick

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