Subject: This simple mindset reframe changed my life

And I'm going to teach it to you in less than 5 minutes

Last week I missed out on a big copywriting contract.

All because of a misunderstanding.

I initially reached out to the prospect as I saw they were looking for a copywriter.

We jumped on a call and it went extremely well.

After the call they asked for a quick task:

Create 2 sample emails.

Thinking they wanted to see how I write, I sent over 2 long-form emails.

They were long for emails, but I wanted to show off my writing skills.

Within a day, they asked for another call.

Thinking I'd landed the contract, I eagerly hopped on.

And this is where things started to go wrong...

It turns out they just wanted two short form samples.

Literally no longer than a few hundred words.

But here's the thing...

They didn't specify this in the brief.

And while I could blame them, it's ultimately my fault for not asking for extra information.

But anyway, back to the story.

After the call I wrote 2 short form emails.

Honestly, they were definitely not my best work.

But I just wanted to get the work done.

And now we skip to Monday - the day they were meant to get back...


My emails have been quiet.

It's fair to say they've given the contract to someone else.

Which although sucks, it's part of being a copywriter.

You're not always going to win.

In fact, you'll lose more than you win.

And no matter how good you get, you're still going to make mistakes.

But here's the great thing about mistakes:

Mistakes teach you more than your wins.

So instead of seeing mistakes as failures, see them as an opportunity.

This simple reframing completely changed how I approach business and my personal life.

And it can do the same for you.

A failure is only a failure if you don't learn from it.

Have a great week,

Copy "make mistakes" Maverick

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