Subject: This outreach strategy will teach you more than 99% of courses

And you get it for free ;)

There's no nice way to say it...

Most people's outreach sucks.

It's damn right terrible.

Generic messages. Annoying follow-ups. And begging behavior.

But there's an easy way to stand out.

And, it helps you become a better copywriter in the process.

I've personally used this strategy to land several clients.

And once you get the hang of it it's extremely easy.

Here's the 5-step outreach method you can use to outperform every generic email you see.

1) Find 15 businesses you'd like to work with

After identifying a niche you'd like to write for search for businesses that you think you could help.

In general businesses with around 10,000-50,000 monthly visitors are good options. (You can find monthly visitors on SEM Rush)

They're established enough to need a copywriter but not big enough for an in-house team.

Head to Google Sheets and create a list of 15 businesses.

Use Clearbit to find the CEO or pay someone on Fiverr/ Upwork to find them for you.

2) Sign up to their email list

After creating your list rank them in order & sign up for their emails.

You want 2 to 3 emails that are designed to sell.

Copy them into a Google document and move to step 3.

3) Rewrite the copy

Rewrite the copy for each email but be careful...

Matching the brand's voice is crucial here.

Use similar wording, punctuation, and mannerisms.

Do they use emojis? Use emojis.

Do they use long sentences? Use long sentences.

Do they use specific phrases? Use specific phrases.

You don't want your copy to be too different from the original.

But at the same time you want to build on what they've already done.

It's all about balance.

4) Send your rewritten email to the CEO/ CMO

After re-writing the copy send it to the CEO or whoever is in charge of email marketing.

In your email don't ask for anything.

Highlight that you've re-written 2/3 of their emails and they're welcome to use them free of charge.

Then ask how they perform against the original emails they wrote.

This creates curiosity and helps you stand out in an inbox full of spam.

5) Wait for the result

Most CEOs will try out your emails pretty quickly so you can expect a response in a week or two.

If you don't hear anything follow up and ask how they did.

If your emails did well it's time to pitch your service.

Given that you've already delivered results for free, closing the deal is significantly easier than if you were starting from scratch.

And if they don't like your emails?

You literally don't lose a thing.

In fact, you just gained more experience writing.

This only downside of this outreach technique is that takes more time than simply sending generic templates.

But I was getting open rates of 80% and reply rates of 25%.

Which for cold email is unheard of.

So instead of relying on another course telling you to send 100's of cold emails start with 15.

Use this strategy, and you're guaranteed to land a client after 20 emails.

Have a great week,

Copy "Send better emails" Mav

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