Subject: This one habit will do more for your writing than any quick trick

And it takes just 10 minutes a day

If you're looking to improve your writing then it's easy to go down the rabbit hole.

Hand writing sales letters.

Breaking down landing pages.

Reading every copywriting book you can get your hands on.

I know because that's exactly what I did.

But there's one habit I wish I started earlier.

And it's stupidly simple.

The habit takes just 10 minutes...

You'll improve your thinking.

You'll see results in just a few weeks.

And you'll also discover your own writing voice.

The habit?

Writing one email a day.

Pretty simple, right?

Yes, but most people can't do it.

They'll either start, get bored and quit.

Or they'll make some excuse to never start at all.

But here's the thing...

You don't need an email list or following.

You can literally send the email to yourself.

Inside the email you can include:

> Reflections from the day

> Breakdowns of any ideas you've had

> The goals you want to achieve and how you'll do it

Just write whatever's on your mind at the time.

Within a month you'll have gained two things.

Firstly, a writing habit you can build everything else on.

This is the "secret" most people miss out on when they first start.

Secondly, you'll build greater clarity.

Instead of looking for the perfect way to write something, you'll just do it.

This will:

> Help you to think

> Boost confidence

> Speed up your writing

This is by far one of the most simple but effective tips I've ever applied.

Try it this quarter and completely change your writing by October.

Have a great week,

Copy "write a daily email" Maverick

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