Subject: This mistake is burning out new copywriters...


I've seen new copywriters quit for many reasons.

They can't land clients. Run into cash flow issues. Quit after a few rejections.

But there's a big mistake most new copywriters make that nobody talks about.

It's a mistake I made when I first started and one that really held me back.

Information overload.

In a world of blog posts, social media and podcasts, it's easy to over consume.

And most people are doing it.

They'll take advice from 10 entrepreneurs on Twitter, 5 on YouTube and then listen to 5 different podcasts.

And although learning is good, people spread themselves too thin.

They take advice from so many people that they never actually take action.

Instead, information becomes a form of procrastination.

They keep consuming without implementing.

Next thing their business is failing, they have no energy and haven't built any real skills...

And they can't work out why.

So how do you avoid information overload?

Listen to 3 entrepreneurs that have achieved what you want.

Once chosen block out everything else.

Mute Insta pages. Twitter accounts. YouTube channels.

Focus on consuming information from these people and ignore what other gurus have to say.

Buy their courses, read their books, see if you can get coaching.

Then once you've learnt everything you can, change who you're learning from and replace one coach with another.

This helps you focus your energy on one area of growth.

By focusing on one area you'll build your skillset dramatically faster.

And avoid burnout in the process.

Have a great week.

- Copy Maverick

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