Subject: This is more important than signing new clients


Nearly every page on Twitter will tell you how to land clients.

They'll outline the strategies you can use. The outreach methods. The templates.

But they don't tell you the most important part of business.

Keeping your clients.

There's no point in landing clients if they ask for a refund within a week.

This is why most businesses fail in the first year.

They promise the world only to deliver subpar results and lose the client.

If you want to become a successful business owner you need to learn how to build client relationships.

Here are 3 easy ways to do that when you're starting out.

Avoid Overpromising

Most new businesses fail because they overpromise.

"I'll increase your conversions from 2% to 15%"

Now if you're confident you can achieve these kinds of results then go ahead.

However if you have little to no track record you want to be honest.

Be realistic in the results you can deliver.

It's always better to underpromise and overdeliver than overpromise and underdeliver.

Not only will clients respect you more for your honesty, but you'll build a better relationship too.

Don't Miss Deadlines

Now this one might seem obvious but meet your deadlines.

I've worked with so many freelancers who can't hit a deadline on time.

Then they come up with some terrible excuses.

"My WiFi went down"

"I wasn't feeling well"

"I didn't have enough time"

Excuses always sound best to the person that's making them up.

Nobody cares why you didn't hit the deadline, but it's one way to quickly ruin your client relationship and your reputation.

I always try to hit deadlines at least one day before the work is due.

It's a simple but effective way to ensure your clients stay with you.

Don't Scale Too Quickly

Landing new clients is always a great feeling.

However you don't want to stretch yourself too thin.

You need to manage your time with clients effectively to deliver on your promises.

If you have too many clients you'll fail to do this.

"Oh but I'll just hire someone to help me"

This is often much harder than it sounds.

Few people are ever going to put in as much work as you will.

They won't be as motivated and they won't want to work the same hours. After all, it's your business.

Hiring someone also takes a lot of time. If you have your hands full with clients you won't have the time for the screening process.

The result? You now have several clients and a terrible employee.

When you're starting stick to around 3 clients. This should be more than enough for you to earn a good income whilst being able to deliver.

And finally, make sure you deliver results.

It's crazy how many business owners fall at the first hurdle.

They become so excited by what the business can become they forget the work involved in actually getting there.

Using these tips you can build the foundation you need for a successful business.

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