Subject: These 3 tips will help you stop procrastinating


The future of business belongs to those who can focus.

This is a big statement to make, but one that holds a lot of weight.

You see, modern society is killing your focus faster than ever.

Most people are spending upwards of 5 hours a day on their phones, getting cheap dopamine whenever possible.

While this isn't an issue on the off occasion, science is now showing the damage it's doing to our brains.

We should be able to focus on a task for at least 45 minutes before we take a break.

But most people can barely focus for 15.

Instead, they'll work for a bit and then get distracted.

Next thing it's the end of the day, and they've achieved nothing.

This is only going to get worse for each generation, but it's not all doom and gloom.

Those who are able to focus will dominate in the information economy.

But to be one of those people you need to avoid constant procrastination.

Here are three ways I personally overcome procrastination, even on the days I don't want to work.

1) Definitive Goals With Actionable Steps

The primary reason most goals are never achieved is that they're hollow and generalized.

These hollow generalizations kill clarity.

A lack of clarity causes a lack of action.

A lack of action causes procrastination.

When you wake up in the morning are you clear on what you want to achieve for the day?

Or do you have a general goal but no strategy for how you'll achieve it?

The best way to avoid procrastination is a combination of non-negotiable standards, plans, and measurable targets.

Let's say you want to land 2 clients in the next month.

Instead of stating "I will land two clients by doing some outbound marketing" define clearly HOW you'll achieve that goal.

What outreach method will you use?

How much time will you need to dedicate to outreach each day?

What are the steps & processes you need to follow when doing that outreach?

Suddenly your plan has gone from:

"I will land two clients this month with outbound marketing"


"I will land two clients this month by sending five personalized cold emails a day, spending 2 hours of my morning writing these emails"

By giving yourself a specific goal and strategy you know EXACTLY what you need to be doing.

This will reduce the likelihood of procrastination and allow you to build habits that serve your purpose.

2) Dopamine Detox

Do you often feel tired before you start work?

What about after your breaks when looking at social media?

You see, most of us spike our dopamine before the workday even begins.

People will wake up, scroll through social media, and eat a sugar filled breakfast while sipping on a coffee.

This completely spikes your dopamine which causes a mid-morning slump.

When that slump arrives you feel groggy and don't want to work.

The result?

More procrastination.

If you want to have a strong morning limit unnecessary dopamine spikes.

Instead of scrolling through social media go for a walk outside.

Instead of eating sugar filled cereal eat a healthy alternative.

Instead of a cup of coffee drink a glass of water.

I'm not saying don't have these things, but limit how often you do and avoid them for at least the first hour of your day.

3) Find An Accountability Partner

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

NOBODY wants to do the work every day.

Everybody has off days.

Some days you just wake up not feeling 100%.

This is where an accountability partner is a game changer.

Someone who will pick you up when you feel like you're struggling.

This can be anyone.

A friend, family member, business partner.

But they will hold you accountable.

Finding the right partner for this is important, but usually someone who understands your vision is a good start.

There are many other ways to avoid procrastination but these three have changed the way I do business.

They've streamlined my days and my screen time is now below 2 hours a day (including a 1 hour Spotify session at the gym).

If you're someone who struggles with procrastination then implement these steps immediately.

Use tonight to organise your goals and ask someone to be your accountability partner.

And tomorrow morning start your day with a short walk.

If you do this consistently for a month you'll find you hit your goals faster than ever before.

Have a great week,

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