Subject: The truth about scaling your business

What the big guru's aren't telling you...

2024 has been my most successful year to date.

I hit my annual targets in 7 months.

I've built a great team of over 10 people.

I've built a coaching offer and my students are seeing fantastic results.

But here's the thing...

My energy levels are taking much longer than usual to bounce back.

Historically I'd complete 3 months of hard work followed by a month of less intense days.

This year I went flat out for 9 months.

After taking some time off recently I thought I'd simply bounce back like I always do.

But here's the thing...

That hasn't happened.

Instead, I got sick and I'm only just starting to feel myself again.

Which lead me to a harsh truth that many entrepreneurs don't want to talk about...

We're people. Not superheroes.

You can't go flat out all year every year.

At one point or another you need to take a step back, rest, recuperate and prepare for the future.

Traditionally I'd do this one out of every 4 months.

This year, instead of scaling in Q4, I'll be optimising my systems and prepping for 2025.

Instead of going all out I'll be taking some time to rest.

Social media will have you believe that you need to be "grinding 24/7 365 days a year."

This couldn't be further from the truth.

You need to take time off.

Spend time with loved ones.


Or just make some space to relax your mind.

Even Bill Gates has a week off every year to decompress and read.

Don't burn yourself out because some social media guru told you to.

Instead work hard for a few months, take some time to rest and then bounce back stronger.

This is how you'll achieve your goals.

Have a great week,

Copy "don't forget to rest" Maverick

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