Subject: The trick that governments use to control people

The power of "Us vs them"

It's no secret that governments use division to control populations.

Left vs right.

Race vs race.

Woke vs based.

But this is nothing new.

It's known as the "Us vs them" strategy.

It creates division (or the perception of division) between two groups.

This weakens their control, but it also has a second effect.

It makes people build stronger beliefs about the "side" they choose.

And this is an extremely powerful marketing technique.

I recently used it in a LinkedIn post and the results speak for themselves...

35,000 impressions in just 3 days.

P.S. You need to like your own posts on LinkedIn- don't hate on me.

But anyway, back to the point.

One of the best ways to build a brand is to create the perception of an "us."

This is masterfully implemented by premium clothing brands.

You buy and wear the brand logo and you become one of the "us."

Everyone else is suddenly below you.

But how can you do this for smaller brands?


You work out their USP and use that as a way to include people in something bigger than themselves.

"Are you tired of the mundane, life-draining slog of modern life? Are you built for something more?

People who think different vs the "norm"

"This course is only for people who are willing to sacrifice and put in the work."

Hard workers vs everyday people.

"As someone that only buys the highest quality supplements..."

High-quality supplement buyer vs normal supplement buyer.

You can put this spin on just about anything you write.

And if you think you can't, reply to this email with a niche you're struggling with and I'll help you out.

Use this as part of a wider strategy, and you'll grow stronger connections with buyers, build a loyal audience, and increase sales.

If governments use it, you already know it's powerful.

Have a great week,

Copy "Us vs them" Maverick

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