Subject: The secrets digital nomads don't talk about

It's not all smooth sailing


For the past 2 weeks I've been managing my business from Spain.

And honestly, I love it.

Tapas. Hot weather. Great work-life balance.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

There are a few truths these Insta pages miss out on when it comes to travel and work.

Firstly, you have to work when everyone else is in holiday mode.

Don't get me wrong.

I love going to Barcelona to work in coffee shops.

My morning cafe con leche.

Working in the sun.

But as I'm working on my business everyone else is out to party and celebrate.

Seeing everyone else enjoying themselves makes it harder to actually work.

You're constantly surrounded by distractions and temptations are everywhere.

If you're easily distracted you'll find it extremely hard to be productive.

Another thing is everyone is a night owl in Spain.

People wake up around 10/11am and don't sleep till 1 in the morning.

If you're someone who works well at night this is perfect for you.

However I'm someone who naturally works well in the morning.

It's difficult to build a good morning routine if nobody else is up until 10 (most shops don't open until 9).

It also means you're woken up at night by people going about their day.

It's not a biggie, but a few nights of poor sleep can kill your motivation & focus.

Lastly, it's difficult to actually build a steady routine.

Back in the UK my routine was pretty consistent.

> Morning gym

> Deep work session

> Cook/ meal prep

> Afternoon work session

> Evening BJJ

It's a bit harder to keep this routine when you're travelling and working.

You're constantly making changes to your routine, trying to fit in travel & work.

Again, it's not the end of the world.

But you need to be ready for some inconsistencies in your day.

Overall working from Spain has been amazing (so far).

I love exploring the culture, meeting new people and pushing myself out of my comfort zones.

As someone who's never traveled solo, it's been a game changer and something I recommend you do at one point in your life.

I can promise it's not something you'll regret.

Have a great week.

- El senor Copy Maverick

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