Subject: The secret to selling more


As a copywriter I've worked with 100's of clients.

Most of them have the same problem.

They have a great product but can't sell it.


They all lack a big idea.

They focus on the small benefits.

But lack a concept that will get people excited.

A big idea will attract new visitors to your page.

Combine this with good copy and a great offer and your sales will rocket.

Here's how you can implement this into your writing.

With most projects you'll want to spend around 25% of your time finding this idea.

Some writers spend up to 50% of their time on this alone.

You want to start by researching everything about your client.

Their offer, client base, reviews, journals, articles, old websites.

Get your hands on everything you can.

David Ogilvy attributed one of his most successful ads to a quote in a trade journal.

 “At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls Royce comes from the electric clock.”

What started off as an engineers quote became one of the best selling ads ever created.

But coming up with ideas isn't easy.

They will always come from the unconscious mind.

They'll rarely come to you when sitting at your desk.

Here's my strategy.

Consume all the information I can about my client.

Leave my desk.

Go for a walk. Take a bath. Drink a coffee.

Before I know it my unconscious mind has come up with something.

I'll write this down and leave it for later.

Within a few hours I'll have the 'big idea'.


Try to come up with a big idea for each of your projects this week.

Once you have an idea, base the rest of your content on it.

I guarantee your conversions will increase from this one activity.

Have another great week,

Copy Mav

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