Subject: The psychological trick that can change your life

Read this if you want to hit your goals in 2024

This email is a bit more theoretical than normal, but if you understand the message, you can change your life.

On social media you often see people talking about focusing on the process not the outcome.

But what exactly does this mean?

For years I read this in books but never really understood how life changing this advice was.

That was until one of my coaches broke it down for me.

Essentially, most people link their status to an outcome.

"I have to achieve X result or I'm a failure."

By doing this, they link their worth to something that's out of their control.

And if they don't hit the goal, they'll usually quit.

They'll fall into the same routine that got them to where they started and blame everything but themselves.

This is what 99% of people do.

But here's what happens when you focus on the process instead.

Say you want to land a copywriting client.

Rather than stating:

"I'm going to land 1 copywriting client in the next 30 days"

Break down what you need to do to achieve this goal.


Every day for the next 30 days I'm going to:

  • Send 10 cold emails

  • Network with 5 people on LinkedIn

  • Ask people in my network if they need a copywriter

Now, you make these your daily must-do tasks.

Each time you do them, you get a dopamine hit.

And at the same time, you get 1 step closer to achieving your ultimate goal.

At the end of the 30 day period one of two things will happen.

1) You'll land your client

2) You'll build the discipline needed to land your client

By applying this mindset, you make progress regardless of the overall outcome.

And once you understand the mindset, you can apply it to every area of your life.

Fitness, relationships, business.

You'll become the master of your own world.

Have a great week,

Copy "detach from the outcome" Mav

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