Subject: The power of rest


I've been extremely busy with clients the past few weeks.

Helping launch NFT projects, writing copy for crypto companies and landing pages for supplement stores.

Although I've loved every minute of it, I'm feeling a bit exhausted.

Luckily, it's the perfect time to rest and reflect.

Despite what some of these 'influencers' say, taking time to rest can easily 10x your results.

Look back on the past year and ask yourself the following questions:

What has been a success?

What could have gone better?

What can you do to ensure you improve in 2022?

These questions will help you learn from your mistakes and enjoy your wins.

At the same time you also want to set goals for the next year.

How many clients do you want?

How much monthly revenue do you want to make?

What date do you want to achieve these goals?

Set your targets and work backwards on how you can achieve them.

This will set you on the path to success in 2022.

With this in mind I'll be taking the next two weeks to relax, reflect and be with family.

As a result I won't be sending a newsletter next week.

Instead, my next newsletter will be on the 3rd of January.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I'll speak to you all then,

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