Subject: The perfect morning routine for copywriters?


Ever wondered what the perfect routine is for copywriters?

There's a lot of information out there on how you can optimize your routine.

Cold showers. Morning walks. The right foods.

It can all be a little overwhelming.

And personally, I've found that most of these so called 'tips' are garbage.

Yeah, cold showers will help you build resiliency... but there are 100 better ways to get the same result.

They also focus on one thing: adding more to your day.

This can be counterintuitive, especially if you don't have much spare time.

Instead of adding more to your routine, focus on a few non-negotiables that help you get in the right headspace for writing.

For me these are:

> Morning exercise (gym, BJJ or running)

> Meditation (around 10-15 minutes before I work)

> Reading the briefs for the copy I'll be writing

Anything else is just an extra.

I then start my day with focused writing.

Around 3 hours of writing without distraction.

I get more done in these 3 hours than I do for the rest of the day.

Now I'm not saying this is the perfect routine.

But what makes it work is that it's simple.

It's easy to maintain.

When you start doing 5+ things before you start writing you're already tiring your brain.

You have limited bandwidth and writing will use a lot of it.

Keep things simple and start your day with activities that wake you up & get you ready to write.

Avoid scrolling on social media. Reading emails. Jumping straight onto calls.

Start with exercise. Focusing your mind. Idea generation.

And remember, there's no one shoe fits all solution.

Try adding one thing & removing another to see what works for you.

It's a game of trial & error, but one that will pay off.

Have a great week.

- Copy Maverick

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