Subject: The mistake that set me back a year


Learning how to write copy is no easy task.

It takes years of work to master the basics and is a process that never really ends.

However, learning the right way will ensure you develop significantly faster.

So what is the 'right way'?

Let's start with what most copywriters do wrong.

The biggest mistake new writers make is they jump from one mentor to the next.

They follow 100's of copywriters on social media and take advice from each.

Not only is this confusing, but it will limit your progress.

It's like training your whole body to build your chest muscles.

You'll develop significantly faster by focusing on a select few areas.

Or in this case, learning from a select few copywriters.

This is a mistake I made in my first year and one that limited my progression.

I was always looking for the next big guru. The next copy hack.

Instead, I should have learnt the fundamentals of copywriting.

This would have provided me with a solid foundation to build on.

So here's my advice for new copywriters.

Start out by studying the legends of copywriting.

> David Ogilvy

> Gary Halbert

> Claude Hopkins

> Eugene Schwartz

> Joseph Sugarman

Study their books. The way they write. Re-write their copy. Apply the techniques to your own writing.

Do this for at least a year.

In that year don't worry about what the next big Twitter Guru is saying.

Focus on the fundamentals. 

After a year (or when you feel ready) you can begin learning from upcoming copywriters.

Writers who have sold millions in their niches.

You can also join copywriting communities.

Here you can have upcoming writers critique your work.

This is the stage where you'll take things to the next level.

You'll learn to put your own twist on things.

You'll develop your own tricks and techniques.

You'll find what works for you and what doesn't.

During this phase you'll also build your reputation.

Clients will start coming to you after seeing your work.

It's the start of a very successful copywriting career.

Stop worrying about money.

Start building that strong foundation.

If you do it right, you're almost guaranteed to make money in the long run.

Speak to you next week,

Copy Mav

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