Subject: The mindset shift needed for success


When I went solo as a copywriter I expected the world to support me.

I was excited, hungry and ready to take on a whole new chapter in my life.

What happened was the opposite of my expectations.

Many of my friends became distant.

Most of my family questioned my decision.

My grandad even called me out at the dinner table saying copywriting isn't a 'real' business.

I was thrown off a little and started to doubt myself.

Have I made the right decision?

Maybe I should just get a job?

Is business right for me?

It seemed like everyone had an opinion, with the majority suggesting I'd made the wrong one.

Despite the backlash I continued building my business and working on myself.

In the process I created a new mindset.

It was a mindset shift that's essential to success in business.

And that's to ignore the crowd.

The majority of people today are unhappy.

85% of people hate their job. 63% of people are overweight. Mental health issues have never been worse.

Yet it will be these people that will tell you not to chase your dreams.

As a successful business owner you need to learn to ignore them.

Think like this:

Does the opinion come from someone I aspire to be?

No? Ignore it.

Has that person achieved anything I want to achieve?

No? Ignore it.

Do I really care what that persocn thinks?

No? Ignore it.

You may come across as ignorant at first.

But it's not personal.

Society will dictate your whole life if you let it.

You take advice from the many and you become one of them.

You take advice from the few and you become one of them.

The choice is yours, but will dictate your future.

Change your mindset and you can change your life.

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