Subject: The importance of performance without purpose


When it comes to productivity people need a purpose.

This purpose is usually external.

A deadline to meet. An upcoming race. A competition.

Something that will get them up in the morning.

This is how we're taught to think in traditional education systems.

You work hard at school to get good grades.

You get good grades to get a good job.

You get a good job to live a good life.

But the definition of a "good life" can vary significantly from one person to the next.

And now, there's no tangible external goal to aim for.

As a result people just glide through life never taking control.

They get depressed, use substances to find happiness and binge social media for cheap dopamine.

Sound relatable?

That's because it's how most people live.

If you're feeling the same you can change your life with this small mindset shift.

Realise that purpose is always there.

The purpose never leaves us.

Because the purpose is always you.

Instead of focusing on an external problem, internalise your purpose to become the best version of you.

Don't run a 5k because you have a race. Run a 5k because it'll lead to better long term health.

Don't to go the gym to attract the opposite sex. Go to the gym to love what you see in the mirror.

Don't work a 9-5 to "live your best life". Use it as a tool to fund what you really want to do in life.

You see, when you internalise your purpose everything changes.

You start doing things for yourself instead of seeking external validation.

Which means productivity naturally rockets without residence.

Now you want to read books instead of watching Netflix.

You want to go to the gym instead of sleeping on the sofa.

You want to push your boundaries instead of hiding in your comfort zone.

When you start thinking like this your positive actions quickly compound.

Suddenly you're working towards your goals instead of thinking about them.

If you truly want to embody this mindset you can combine it with your alter ego.

So when you wake up, it's freezing cold, raining and you really don't want to go for that run...

Ask yourself what your alter ego would do?

And within minutes you'll be out in the rain.

As a society it's fair to say we've become pretty week.

99% of people are looking for the easy option. A way out.

If you can force yourself to put in that extra bit of work by making you the purpose you're ahead of most people already.

Do the things people don't want to do and there's no way you don't become the best at your game.

Have a great week,


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