Subject: The framework for an offer that SELLS


If you're sending hundreds of cold emails a week and still failing to land meetings then this email is for you.

Over the past few years I've learned that your offer is everything.

It doesn't matter how good your skills are if you haven't got an amazing offer.

Without one, you won't even get into the room.

So how do you know if your offer is any good?

Firstly, it's specific.

"I offer copywriting to businesses" is not an offer.

It's generic. Boring. Doesn't appeal to the reader.

"I offer email copywriting for ecom supplement brands making $1m+ a year" is an offer.

It's specific, intriguing and includes my second point: tangible results.

"I help businesses add an extra 20% to their email revenue"

Sounds much better than

"I help businesses increase email revenue".

You're showing the reader EXACTLY what they're going to get.

And thirdly, you want to make it a no-brainer for the prospect.

"I'll increase your revenue within 30 days, or you get a 100% refund & the extra sales I generated".

Combine these three, and it's difficult for prospects to turn you away.


If you want to make your offer even more effective, apply Alex Hormozi's value equation:

Dream Outcome X Perceived Likelihood of Achievement

Time Delay X Effect & Sacrifice

For your offer you want to increase the top row and decrease the bottom.

Here's how.

Most copywriters get the Dream Outcome part right.

You want to outline your prospect's dream outcome to show you understand their pain.

E.g increasing sales by 20%, making an extra $200k/ month etc.

Then show how your service is the bridge between their current situation & their outcome.

"I can help you achieve X goal in X time period".

Secondly, you want to focus on Perceived Likelihood of Achievement and for your offer, guarantee certaintity.

You can do this through social proof (testimonials), excluding people who don't qualify for your offer and money-back guarantees.

"I'll generate X by X or you get your full investment back".

Now comes the two parts with the highest ROI.

Decreasing time delay is the best way to keep your clients invested in the long run.

You can do this by starting with a small win.

Optimize a current flow. Generate additional income through a campaign. Re-write the landing page to improve conversions.

Show the client why they've made a great decision working with you.

This will make it easier for them to stick with you for those longer term goals.

Lastly, you want to decrease any Effort or Sacrifice your client has to make.

Think a "done for you service" vs a "do it yourself" service.

One charges significantly more than the other and for good reason.

You basically want to hand out results on a silver platter.

Make life easy and clients will literally throw money at you.

These 4 elements will not only help you optimize your offer, but will help you charge more and stand out in a crowded market.

You make your offer a complete no-brainer.

Apply this framework to your current copy and watch your outreach success double without any additional work.

Have a great week,

- Copy Maverick

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