Subject: The first 3 copywriting books you should read

Most others are a waste of time

One of the most common questions I’m asked is what books are best for new copywriters.

While there are 100’s out there, there are 3 I believe are better than any others.

The first is Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz.

While some people claim the book is too complex, it will provide you with a strong foundation.

You’ll learn about awareness levels, how to write and the basics of direct response copywriting.

The second is Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins.

This is essentially an A-Z guide on how to write copy.

It contains a number of real examples that converted well in the past.

You can use these to study copy and apply what you're reading.

The third book is Influence by Robert Cialdini.

Influence covers the core psychological concepts to influence a buyer's decision.

It's easy to understand, covers a number of interesting stories and is a must-read for any copywriter.

Once you've read all 3 of these, you'll be in a strong position to write copy that performs better than 90% of copywriters out there.

Have a great week,

Copy "read more books" Mav

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