Subject: The easiest way to ruin your morning productivity


I thought I'd let you in on a little secret about morning routines...

99% of them are absolute bullshit.

Nonsense spread by Gurus so you buy their products and courses.

This is something I really wish I knew when I first started.

The reality is:

Simplicity is key to morning productivity

You want to limit how many things are in the way between you and starting work.

Adding more to your routine isn't going to add to your productivity.

In most cases, it'll do the complete opposite.

You don't need to run a marathon, meditate for an hour and eat a small cow before you start work.

You need to keep things simple.

1. Wake up.

2. Do some form of exercise (gym or run).

3. Get back and start work.

Complete 1 hour of deep work and then you can think about breakfast.

Anything other than this is a complete waste of time.

It'll take up unnecessary energy and delay your progress for the day.

You also want to avoid one vital mistake 99% of people are doing.

Spiking your dopamine levels.

Most people do this as soon as they wake up by going on their phone.

They wake up, turn over and immediately look at social media.

There is nothing worse for your productivity (or mental health).

You won't be able to focus all morning. You'll feel restless. You'll feel tired before you even start.

What's crazy is people make up excuses to do this.

"I need to check my emails"

"I need to look at social media for work"

"Someone important might have an emergency"

These are all lies people tell themselves so they can get that cheap dopamine to start their day.

And it's completely killing their progress.

I understand this email may seem pretty simple, but honestly, it's where I see most people go wrong.

So if you want to create that "perfect" morning routine do two things.

1. Keep your morning routine simple


2. Stay off your phone for the first few hours of the day

If you complete these tasks you're already ahead of 99% of people.

Implement these tips into your routine tomorrow and I promise you'll be more productive.

Have a great week.

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