Subject: The correct way to network


Networking at the bottom can be difficult.

You're stuck at the bottom and levelling up can appear difficult.

So what can you do?

Most people go about it the wrong way.

They want to gain something from nothing.

My network only improved AFTER my worth improved.

Once I could bring more value to a room I was invited in.

Most people try to get in without having anything to offer.

Here's what you should do instead.

Start by investing in yourself.

Read self-help books. Develop a skillset. Build your business.

Go full monk-mode.

Plan exactly where you want to be in 3-6 months.

"In 4 months I will earn X amount delivering Y service"

Make this your number one goal. Anything else is a distraction.

Once you've achieved your first goal, start talking to people at the same level as you.

Tell them what you've learned & they'll do the same.

You can begin helping each other.

At the same time start messaging people one level above you.

Offer some value and ask about a VERY SPECIFIC problem.

If you've put in the work they'll acknowledge this and most will be happy to help.

From here you can start to build relationships.

The reality is sending out 50 DM's a day and hoping someone will help is a waste of resources.

You're wasting your own time and other people's time.

Try this strategy and you can change your network in a matter of months.

- Copy Mav

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