Subject: The copywriting secret gurus don't want you to know

Every guru is trying to sell you the "secret" to success.

The next template.

The perfect sales letter.

The book that only experts read.

But here's the thing about copywriting secrets...

Most are complete nonsense.

In 99% of cases the guru is just trying to sell you a course.

And once enough people buy it, their "secret" becomes the norm...

Which means it no longer works.

This is why I'm never a fan of secrets and market tricks.

However there's one "secret" that I've seen work time and time again.

It's been used by every top copywriter from Gary Halbert to Eugene Schwartz...

And it applies to every niche on the planet.

The secret?

Getting in the reps.

Simple, right?

Yes, but also no.

You see, here's the thing about copywriting that nobody tells you.

No copywriter has a 100% success rate.

Even the world's best copywriters will fail to beat the control every time they write.

But what makes them different from other copywriters is one simple "secret".

They do more.

They write more emails.

They write more sales letters.

They study more copy that currently works.

That's what makes them better than everyone else.

And the same can be seen in every "expert" no matter their industry.

Michael Jordan took 24,537 shots in his career.

Christiano Ronaldo took 2x the number of shots compared to anyone in his league.

Stephen King wrote 65 novels and over 200 short stories.

All of these people were at the very top of their game.

And all of them focused on reps.

This is why reps should be your main focus when learning copywriting.

You'll very rarely write the perfect piece.

But by increasing the amount you write, you significantly increase your chances of doing so.

So instead of aiming for perfection, aim to get in more reps.

More emails. More critiques. More landing pages. More sales letters. More books.

Eventually, your efforts will compound, and you'll see results.

Have a great week,

Copy "get in the reps" Mav

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