Subject: The copywriting "secret" everyone overlooks


Every week I look at around 5-6 different websites.

Some have good copy. Some, not so good.

But one thing that's always overlooked is the overall customer journey.

The journey your customer has to take from your ads to typing in their bank details.

And funnily enough, it's one of the biggest problems most sites have.

They make it extremely difficult to actually buy the product.

Too many pop ups. Too many redirects. Confusing purchase buttons and layout. Different focus points on the site and ads.

You name it, most sites have it.

And still, the CEO will be looking for copy hacks & secrets to optimize their site.

When you next apply for a project, look at the whole funnel.

Not only will it help you to stand out from other copywriters, but it'll help boost your conversions too.

Here are a few things you'll want to look at:

Make sure the funnel has a continuous message.

I can't tell you how many sites I've looked at that give different promises on their ads to their main site.

You want to keep the promise the same throughout.

Have a cream that helps dry skin? Don't talk about dry skin in your ad then aging on your landing page.

Make payments as easy as possible.

I often see sites that make paying for something extremely difficult.

They require buyers to enter their address (which is pointless if you sell a digital product), date of birth, email, dog's name, mother's maiden name... you get it.

The more you ask from your customer the more people will drop out at the final purchase point.

Remove anything that isn't ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for the payment.

Make CTA's clear.

If you want your customer to buy then make it clear how they can do just that.

Make sure your CTA is different from the rest of your site.

Change its colour. Make the writing bold. Write something exciting.

Just make sure it doesn't blend in with everything else.

Keep your funnel redirects limited.

Nobody wants to have to go through a hundred different pages to buy something.

You want to keep your funnel as simple as possible.

Think ad > website > checkout > confirmation page

Anything else is completely unnecessary and will only hinder your conversions.

Keep your offer simple.

Last but not least, keep your offer simple.

People want to know exactly what they're getting and for how much.

Give them just that.

If you offer copywriting then focus on that.

If you offer email management focus on that.

If you offer web design focus on that.

Don't offer web design, email management, Tik Tok growth, and crypto investment management.

Just about everyone who goes to your site will be confused.

The secret to a high converting landing page is always simplicity.

Offer a specific product/ service, make it easy to buy, and guide your customer through the journey.

It should feel like a slippery slide, not a treacherous journey down the rapids.

Speak to you next week.

- Copy Mav

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