Subject: The copy mistake killing your conversions...

And examples of how to solve it


Thought I'd do a small copy re-write for you today.

A common problem I see most copywriters make is they only scratch the surface of the message they're trying to deliver.

They'll complete a clever one-liner and call it a day.

However, most great copywriters go into depth when making a point.

They do this to create a vivid story of what life can look like when a customer buys a product.

Here's an example.

Example 1:

With product X you can live life by your own rules.

It's not a bad line, but it leaves a lot for interpretation.

It doesn't go into what this new life means for the individual or the results they'll get.

Here's the same line with more depth added to the point.

Example 1 Edited:

Picture a life where you don’t let excuses take over.

Imagine waking up energized, ready to smash your goals instead of pressing the snooze button for an extra 5 minutes of poor quality sleep.

Imagine pushing through your pain barriers at the gym to hit your PBs instead of quitting when things get tough.

Imagine having the mindset of a winner, pushing through mental plateaus instead of letting doubt hold you back.

And when the time comes to deliver…

You complete that climb. Win that gold. Hit that PB.

With *product*, this can be your new lifestyle.

In this edited version, the new lifestyle is specific.

It goes into detail of what the individual's lifestyle will look like with the supplement.

And finishes with the end result of what they'll achieve with a link to the brand.

Here's another example.

Example 2:

Everyone knows that dieting is a pain.

You can't enjoy the foods you like, you often get food envy, and in the long run, it's not sustainable.

Much like the first example, there's nothing wrong with this copy.

However, with a few more lines your message can be 10x as effective.

For example:

Example 2 Edited:

On the opposite side of the spectrum, dieting can feel a little overwhelming.

After months of cutting calories, removing the foods you love, and constantly hitting your macros, life can seem miserable… to say the least.

You can’t indulge at family meals. (Sorry grandma)

You can’t have a few extra drinks with your friends.

And now you’re snappy, short-tempered, and hate the thought of chicken and rice.

But what if there was a diet where you could enjoy the best of both worlds?

In this example we go deeper into the pain points the individual experiences with dieting with SPECIFIC examples.

This exemplifies the pain points, making it easier to keep prospects reading when you offer a solution.

Try this activity with your own writing.

Look at each point you've made and ask:

"Do I really go into depth here?"

You should be writing at least 3+ lines for every point you're trying to make.

I've found this one question alone has made a huge difference in my writing.

Have a great week.

- Copy Maverick

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