Subject: The 3 skills that helped me double my income

Struggling to improve your writing? This is for you

When I first got started as a copywriter I fell into a trap...

I was writing for hours every day and at first my writing was improving.

But about six months in I started to stagnate.

My writing wasn't getting any better, my ideas weren't flowing & my progression had all but stopped.

I continued to write and read several copywriting books to help.

And yet the rut continued.

After talking to other copywriters I realised I'd made a pretty big mistake.

I was too narrow visioned.

While being a good writer is crucial for copywriting, it's only one aspect of it.

You need to build other skills to develop as a writer.

After spending over six months learning new skills, I found most of my development came down to three.

These are:

1. Idea Generation

2. Psychology

3. Storytelling

I'd argue that these three skills alone have helped me more than double my income.

But learning them can be a little overwhelming.

So I thought I'd give you a head start.

Here's why you should, and how you can start learning these skills today.

Idea generation helps you diversify yourself from other copywriters.

If all you can do is write it's a matter of time until AI will replace you.

But when you can create new ideas to generate profits you become invaluable.

Here's a breakdown of how I'll create ideas for a project.

1. I'll start by reading all the material I already have.

This can include blog articles, product descriptions, landing pages & anything else I have.

2. I'll conduct more research to find the "Big Idea" during which I'll come up with 5-10 different ideas.

3. I'll go for a walk for 15-20 minutes to let my brain process everything.

By the time I'm back, I'll usually have shortened the list to 2 or 3 options to work from.

Moving onto number two, human psychology.

Understanding human psychology is a must-have skill for a copywriter.

You need to know why people buy, what gets them interested and what keeps them coming back.

There are countless books on psychology, though three I'd recommend are:

Influence by Robert Cialdini

Made To Stick by Dan Heath

NLP Workbook by Joseph O'Connor

These books will give you a strong foundation of human psychology and what triggers us.

Buy them. Read them several times. Apply them to your writing.

It's that simple.

And lastly, storytelling.

Storytelling is arguably just as important as writing when it comes to sales.

People naturally remember good stories.

If you can tell a good story in your emails, landing pages & sales letters you'll see your engagement rocket.

But most people go about learning this skill the wrong way.

They read the latest book on how to tell a story.

Instead, go read some great books. Watch some great movies. Listen to a great ebook.

The more you look at stories the more you'll begin to connect what makes them so great.

These three skills have changed not just my results as a copywriter but also my personal life.

They've helped me make breakthroughs, improve relationships, and take my business to new highs .

If you really want to become a copywriter I'd advise you to spend at least a few hours a week developing each of these skills.

Not only will they make you irreplaceable, but they'll make you more money and help you land better clients.

Have a great week,

Copy Mav

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