Subject: Test this on your partner

It's a great way to quickly build rapport


For the past few weeks I've been studying neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

The recent chapter I read focused on eye movements and how they can be used to determine what sense a person is using while thinking.

It's practically reading someones mind...

Okay, not quite though it's extremely useful.

But Jack, how will this help me in copywriting and business you might ask?

This was my initial thought, but trust me when I tell you it's a game changer.

You see, by understanding how someone thinks (visual, auditory or kinesthetic) you can start to speak their language.

And by speaking their language you'll naturally build report which is crucial for successful sales calls and everyday negotiation.

So how can you determine how someone thinks based on their eye movements?

Here's a little breakdown you can test on a friend or loved one straight away.

Start by asking a simple question such as:

"Think back to your recent holiday"

If they look up and left = they're visualing a memory

If they look up and right = they're creating a visual memory (imagining)

If they look left = they're remembering a sound

If they look right = they're creating a sound (imagining)

If they look down and right = they're thinking kinesthetically

If they look down and left = they're having an internal dialogue (in this case they're likely wondering why you're asking random questions)

If the person you're asking is left handed then these eye cues are the opposite way around.

Here's a diagram to help you visualise what this will look like- it's as you look at another person so may look the "wrong" way round to what you're thinking.

If someone is a visual thinker use visual language:

Look, picture, focus, preview, clarify, examine.

If someone is an auditory thinker use auditory language:

Rhythm, tone, discuss, rings, wavelength.

If someone is a kinesthetic thinker use kinesthetic language:

Touch, tackle, contact, grasp, hold.

The great thing about eye cues is you can use them on anyone and practice every time you interact with someone.

Just don't be weird or obvious and make sure you're actively listening to what they have to say.

The more you practice the more you'll naturally read into these cues which can be used to build relationships and rapport with clients.

You can also use them to persuade people in personal relationships...

But you didn't hear that from me.

Give it a go now by asking someone you know the question about their holiday and observe their eye movements.

I've done this a few times now and every time my guess on how they were thinking has been correct.

Get some practice in and this skill could play a crucial role in your negotiations.

Have a great week,

Copy Mav

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