Subject: Struggling to make progress? This is for you


I have a confession.

During my first year of copywriting I struggled to build my business.

I would read everything I could on copy.

I would spend hours writing & rewriting to get things perfect.

I would study self-help books to build my mindset.

But no matter what I did I couldn't work out why I wasn't making progress.

After getting tired of reading I started to look at what other successful people were doing.

And one thing stood out:

Their speed of execution.

Once they had an idea they would test it straight away.

If it worked they'd build on this.

If it failed they'd work out why and try again.

And in most cases, these people were getting more done in a week than I was getting done in a month.

It wasn't that they were any better than me.

It's that they took action and didn't let the fear of failure hold them back.

Instead of looking for the perfect solution, they'd launch something and fix the errors during the process.

This is why they would always make more progress than the average person.

So whenever I find myself feeling "stuck" I ask if I'm using "perfection" to make the fear of failing.

The reality is you're never going to feel ready before you take action.

Whether that be in copy or any other area of your life.

It's very easy to feel like you're being productive by focusing on the little tasks.

Editing. Rewriting headlines. Building a landing page.

But the reality is, you need to do the things you're afraid of to make progress.

This could be cold email. Creating an email list. Writing on social media.

Instead of living life not to lose, you need to be willing to take losses and learn.

So you have two choices as we move into the second month of 2023.

Sit back for another month to create the perfect execution plan and keep doing comfortable tasks.


You can take action and bet on yourself.

In most cases, you'll never regret it.

Have a great week and take action on that thing you've been holding back.

Copy "take action now" Maverick

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