Subject: Struggle with confidence? This emails for you


I see a lot of copywriters struggle when it comes to landing clients.

Not because they’re bad copywriters...

But because they lack the confidence to close on calls.

They say a price, justify it for 5 minutes...

And lose the sale in the process.

I've also spoken to copywriters who constantly worry about sending work over to clients.

"What if they don't like it?"

"What if I've made a mistake?"

It often holds them back & makes everyday business draining.

So how can you become more confident?

In my experience confidence comes down to consistency in two areas:

- Reps

- Results

Let's start with reps.

You can read 100 different books on confidence, but if you don’t get in the reps you'll still be as nervous as before.

Think of copy reps like reps at the gym.

You’re not going to walk into a gym and squat 100kg.

But after a year of training you can hit 100kg for a few reps.

Apply this mindset to your copy.

You're not going to feel comfortable the first 5 times you submit work.

(I was terrified)

But after submitting work 50 times, it'll feel natural.

This is the same for landing clients.

You’re not going to close a £5k client straight away.

But after a year of calls with prospects landing a £5k client will seem less daunting.

The second way to boost your confidence is through results.

If you’re consistently generating good results you begin to believe in your skillset.

When you believe in your skillset you believe in the value of your service.

When you believe in your service, you're confident on calls which makes the prospect believe in you.

You state your price & wait for the prospect to talk.

And more often than not, you close the client.

This has a snowball effect.

The more confident you become, the more you close clients. The more you close clients, the more confident you become.

But there's one thing you need to do to make both of these work:


You need to consistently put in the reps.

Win or lose, what matters is you're taking action.

As you gain more experience you'll become more confident.


You'll start to deliver better results.

It's a long term game, but one that can pay off exponentially after 6 months of hard work.

So instead of reading another copywriting book...

Put the book down & implement what you've already learned.

This is how you’ll ultimately become a more confident copywriter and person.

Have a great week.

Go get them results.

- Copy "Build Your Confidence" Maverick

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