Subject: Start as you mean to go on


Most people wait till the New Year to make changes in their life.

They then wait for the week to start.

By the time Monday comes around starting their goals is a burden.

The result?

92% of people fail to achieve their New Years resolution.

That one thing that could change their life is forgotten.

They fall back into old routines.

They fail to reach their goals.


This year be different.

Set yourself up for success from day 1.

Here are 3 ways you can make sure this happens.

Set Measurable Goals

Most people set goals that are too generic.

"I want to make more money" "I want to lose weight" "I want better relationships"

Set yourself goals that can be measured.

"I want to make X amount in X time period"

"I want to lose X weight by X date"

"I want to improve my relationship with X by doing Y"

You can track and break all of these targets down, making sure you reach them within the given time period.

Find An Accountability Partner

Holding yourself accountable can be difficult.

Especially on those days where everything feels against you.

Finding an accountability partner can help you get through these days.

This person will hold you accountable when you can't do so yourself.

They'll remind you of your goals. Tell you to carry on when you want to quit.

Think of a gym partner but for life.

You'll be shocked how easy things are when someone else is involved.

Get Rid Of Distractions

Every time you do something ask yourself one question:

"Will this action take me closer to my goals?"

You'll quickly find that many of your daily tasks won't.

A lot of our time is taken up by pointless, mind numbing tasks.

Scrolling through Social Media. Drinking & smoking. Watching TV.

Now these things are good when done on a small scale.

However they can also hold you back if they become part of your daily routine.

Think of your average person.

They wake up, work a 9-5, get home and watch TV. Maybe have a beer in the evening.

There's "no time" for side hustles and new lifestyle changes.

Cut out these distractions and use the time gained for chasing your goals.

You'll be surprised how much time you really have.

These 3 tips can have a huge impact on your life if you implement them.

Don't allow 2022 to become just another year.

Make it the year you start creating your dream life.

Start making changes today and your life can look completely different in only a few months.

Start the year as you mean to go on.

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