Subject: Social proof is evolving

And you need to change how you're using it

Social proof is one of the most important elements of copywriting.

But it's experiencing a huge change.

You see, with more people shopping online than ever (2.64 billion to be exact) the market is experiencing a global evolution.

And to be honest, it's needed.

Historically big claims in the online market have received the most attention.

"Make 10k a month in just 30 days"

"Lose 30lbs in 2 months"

"Attract the woman of your dreams"

But here's the thing...

Nobody believes these claims anymore.

In most cases they're a complete lie and in a certain few they're reviews from the top 1% of people who bought a product or service.

Over the past few months I've seen multiple brands experience backlash from customers for sharing these kinds of reviews as the norm.

People have publically called the brands out on socials critiquing the reviews.

Instead, customers want to see a more authentic experience.

They don't want to hear the stories of athletes or top performers.

They want to hear what the average person experiences when using something.

So how does this impact what you write?

Instead of posting the top 3 reviews, you will have to play a game of matchmaking.

By this, I mean matching the reviews with the ICP.

Identify the ICP in as much detail as possible and then find a review that matches it.

The more in-depth you go here the more effective your social proof will be.

Over the next year I expect this to become a more common practice across most industries.

People don't believe the big claims anymore.

They've overused, overhyped and in most cases, untrue.

And with the continuous demand for more "personalised" content social proof will need to be more personalised too.

Get ahead of the curve now before it's too late.

Have a great week,

Copy "improve your social proof" Maverick

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