Subject: Setbacks are part of the process


At the start of this year I was on fire.

I landed a huge client, was training BJJ 6 times a week & felt amazing.

This was the general feeling for the first two weeks.

Then something changed.

I got home from training one evening and I was exhausted.

I thought nothing of it. Just some fatigue.

By the next morning I couldn't get out of bed.

I tried resting for two days. Spent most of them sleeping & felt even worse.

Surely I couldn't have burnt myself out this quickly?

I went to the doctor on Monday to find I had a gut parasite. (Not what I expected).

I was given antibiotics and told to rest for a few days.

The issue was, my clients needed me to deliver results.

I had to let them down. Asked to extend deadlines and started resting.

I felt terrible. Frustrated. Like the world was against me.

On social media people often point out the process to achieve.

Do A and B to achieve C.

However the reality is success is never that streamlined.

It's never A+B=C.

There's always something that will throw a spanner in the works.

This is normal.

Don't quit because you had a few setbacks.

Even if you get rejected, you keep losing, you don't feel like you're improving, keep going.

Like I mentioned in last weeks newsletter, consistency is more important than boom periods.

Your icons all had setbacks.

The only reason you know them is that they didn't quit.

With 1 week left of January it's time to double down and hit your goals.

Let's get this.

- Copy Mav

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