Subject: Not sure how to niche down? Read this

A breakdown of how you find your niche

Finding your copywriting niche is one of the most controversial subjects in the industry.

Some experts say you should do it right away, others say you should start broad and niche down.

In my opinion, the best solution is somewhere in the middle.

When you're first getting started you want to niche down to an extent, but you don't want to lock yourself out the rest of the market.

So how do you begin?

First, choose one of the three biggest markets:

1. Health

2. Wealth

3. Relationships

Always pick the one that you have the most interest and experience in.

For example, if you studied economics at university then wealth may be a good option.

Alternatively, if you have experience in human psychology and relationships then number 3 would be best for you.

But word of warning- don't choose health just because you go to the gym.

This is what 90% of new copywriters have been doing, and in all honesty, the supplement market is saturated when it comes to writers.

You can land a client, but it'll be much harder than it would in other markets.

Once you've chosen a broad niche it's time to dig deeper and choose a sub-niche.

Let's say you chose wealth.

Who can you write for in the wealth market?

  • Finance companies

  • Accountants

  • Finance influencers

  • Make money online experts

  • Financial advisors

  • Crypto companies

The list goes on.

Choose a sub-niche you want to create an offer for.

The aim of this offer is to make a decision as simple as possible.

You want the offer to be so good that your prospect will feel stupid saying no.

For example, let's say you choose a finance guru with a newsletter and course:

"I will add an extra 10% to your revenue every month, or you don't pay me a penny"

This is a no-brainer.

You make them more money, or they don't pay you.

It's a win-win.

Now you can start your outreach to this market.

For this you can choose:

  • Emails

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • Instagram

Try to get creative with this and have an omnichannel presence.

Follow up DM's with emails and emails with DM's.

This way prospects can't ignore you.

After you start your outreach, you want to stick with the sub-niche you choose for AT LEAST a month.

Doing so will let you see is there's demand for your service.

If you don't see any results, you can pivot to another sub-niche within your niche.

For example, instead of writing for finance gurus, you can create an offer tailored to finance companies or accountants.

This way you're not changing everything about your offer, but only slightly modifying it.

One thing you want to avoid during this stage is shiny object syndrome.

It's easy to see other copywriters acing it in one market and think "Why don't I write for them."

Don't do this.

Stick to what you know and be patient- results will come.

And anyway, copywriters who niche hop rarely make much progress.

After sticking to your sub-niche for a month you should have landed a client. (If not more than one)

Offer a great service, get a testimonial, and use this as part of your outreach process.

From here everything snowballs and you can start scaling your client base.

I hope this helps.

Let me know if you have any questions about niching.

Have a great week,

Copy "Don't niche hop" Maverick

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