Subject: Not getting results? Try this


While most copywriting gurus focus on landing clients getting results for them is just as important.

If you do it right you can have client relationships that last years.

Get it wrong however and your reputation could be down the drain before you start.

So how can you get results right off the bat?

Use the Results Triangle.

Although its been used for decades most marketers get at least once aspect wrong.

And getting one aspect wrong can cause an entire campaign to collapse.

Instead of becoming another struggling marketer, here's how you can use the Results Triangle to get the best results for your clients.

Step 1: Outline Your Market

Before you write anything you need to work out WHO you're writing for.

Who are your current customers?

Who is your ideal customer?

The more research you do here the better.

Great places to conduct research are:

  • Forums

  • Magazines

  • Customer reviews

  • Social media groups

  • Competitor websites

Or you can use AI if you know how to.

The key is to find out as much about your customer as possible to uncover their underlying needs.

Think of their daily routine.

What's causing them headaches?

What's causing unnecessary stress?

What's causing them to lose sleep at night?

Once you understand these pain points it's time to construct your message.

Step 2: Create Your Message

A great way to think about your offer is to use the analogy of fishing.

If you have the wrong bait the fish aren't going to bite.

But if you have their favorite food you're going to catch fish all day.

The exact same theory applies to potential customers.

Offer something they desire and they'll buy.

Offer something they don't need and they'll skip your ad.

The secret here is to match your offer to your customer's needs.

For example:

  • A discount on protein shakes for people who want to put on muscle

  • A free "How to get the best price" cheat sheet for first time buyers

  • Top stock recommendations for people signing up for a financial newsletter

Each of these provides a short term win that incentivizes your customer to buy.

It's extremely important that you go above & beyond to offer value here.

This is a prospects first experience working with you.

If you overdeliver they're going to naturally want to work with you again.

If you underdeliver then prospects might look elsewhere for better value.

Step 3: Choose Your Media

In 2023 there are more ways than ever to reach your audience.

Social media marketing, posting on forums, cold outreach, door to door sales, leaflets...

You get the point.

To choose your first media source you want to find where your audience is already hanging out.

For example if you're targeting women looking for business courses paying for an ad in Men's Health Magazine may not be the best investment.

However if you're targeting men aged 30-45 looking to build a six pack then such an investment would likely be worthwhile.

After choosing a media source begin testing your offer with small scale ads or any other advertising method you want to use.

Once you've found the right angle look for a second media source to diversify where leads are coming from.

This will be another place where your audience already spends time.

If you can reliably land clients from 2 to 3 sources then you don't need to worry if one source dries out temporarily.

Master all three aspects of the Results Triangle and finding the right angle and product placement will be easy.

Have a great week,

Copy Mav

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