Subject: My advice to new copywriters


When I first started copywriting I had a bad habit of comparing myself to others.

I wanted to become a great writer, but it seemed like everyone else was a level above me.

I'd sign a $2k client, they'd sign a $4k client.

I couldn't work out what they were doing that I couldn't get right.

I remember scrolling on social media to see the "success stories" of other writers who had beaten the odds to achieve their goals.

I'd try to copy their strategies but never got the same results. I felt lost.

Maybe copywriting just wasn't for me?

I started to question my decision to work for myself.

At one point I even considered going back to a 9-5.

Then I had a mindset change.

I realised I was only seeing the highlights of others success.

I wasn't seeing the thousands of hours, years of studying and countless failures that lead to that success.

I started to zoom out of my everyday actions and focused on the big picture.

I realised how far I'd come since I first started writing.

I'd achieved many of my goals and to new copywriters was considered a "success".

So what advice would I give to new copywriters going through this experience?

Honestly, my advice would be just don't quit.

I know this isn't the most glamourous answer, but here's the reality.

When you're first starting you'll experience a lot of problems.

You'll feel like you're constantly jumping over hurdles.

But if you keep pushing on, you'll overcome them.

Your copy isn't converting? Don't quit. If you quit you'll never improve your copy.

You can't land your first client? Don't quit. If you quit you'll never land your first client.

You don't know how to build your skill stack? Don't quit. If you quit you'll never build a skill stack.

There's no secret or set of events that'll change everything.

Every great writer you know went through the same struggles you're going through now.

It will take time to master your writing.

Practice. Fail. Learn. And most importantly...

Don't give up.

This is ultimately what will lead to success and fulfilment.

One day you'll look back and realise all the hard work was worth it.

You got this.

- Copy Mav

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