Subject: Learn from your failures


Growing up I was always fascinated by successful people.

Athletes. Entrepreneurs. Musicians.

There was something about them that always caught my attention.

As a result I started studying them.

I wanted to know what made them different from everyone else.

And I found one thing that separates them from the rest.

They don't quit.

They go through the same failures as everyone else.

They lose a lot.

Especially when they were first starting.

Instead of quitting they took time to master their craft.

They turned up to training early. They always stayed late.

They remained consistent even when things weren't going their way.

The same mindset needs to be applied to copywriting.

When you're first getting started you're going to take a lot of losses.

You won't get the projects you want.

You'll work with bad clients.

You'll question yourself.

This is all part of the process.

The most important aspect is that you don't give up.

You have to push through the losses.

Use them as lessons.

You'll learn much more from your losses than you ever will from your wins.

One day you'll look back on the process and realise how far you've come.

Have a great week.

Success is coming your way,

Copy Mav

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