Subject: It's not enough just to be a copywriter anymore...

Read this if you don't want to be left behind

Yes, you read that correctly.

It's not enough just to be a copywriter anymore.

You see, with the introduction of a globalized market and now, AI, the role of a copywriter is changing.

Copywriters are being undercut, and AI is replacing content writers altogether.

Which means if you don't adapt, you're going to be out of work pretty soon.

So what can you do?

Option A is to keep focusing on copywriting and hoping you can make money for as long as possible.

Which, to be honest, doesn't sound like a fun option.

Or there's option B...

Start skill stacking.

What do I mean by skill stacking?

Combining your copywriting skills with a complementary skill that lets you create a well-rounded package offer.

Instead of needing to go to 3 people to complete a job, prospects can just use you.

It's a win-win and can easily help you stand out in a competitive niche.

So what skills should you start stacking?

Here are 3 I think work best with copywriting.

1) Design

Now, before you shut this email, here me out...

99% of companies don't want to send direct response copy only emails.

And while they're great, they don't appeal to the mass market.

Having some basic design skills will let you create a well-rounded offer.

These skills will also give you an eye for what works and what doesn't.

Which means when you're hiring a designer, you know exactly what to look for.

If you want to know some good courses, let me know, and I can recommend a few.

2) List Management

There are thousands of email copywriters out there.

But what if you could manage the entire email list for your client?

And I don't mean just sending and scheduling emails.

I mean:

  • Analyzing data

  • Creating segments

  • Creating new flows

  • A/B testing for products

  • Building monthly reports

List management is a skill that will easily help you stand out when it comes to email marketing.

3) Marketing Strategy

Now, this is where you take copywriting to the next level.

You go beyond just writing a landing page or email.

Instead, you learn to build entire marketing funnels.

People like Russel Brunson have absolutely mastered this skill.

(I'd highly recommend his books- you can listen to them for free on Spotify.)

This skill makes you completely irreplaceable.

Instead of just hiring a copywriter, clients are hiring a marketing consultant too.

Not only do you understand what copy is needed, but you also understand which funnel is right to use and how you can optimize it based on the audience.

So, if you don't want to fall behind, you need to spend the next year skill stacking.

Great options are:

1) Design

2) List Management

3) Marketing Strategy

All of these will help you stand out in a crowded copywriting market, and allow you to charge more for your services.

Have a great week,

Copy "build your skillstack" Mav

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