Subject: Is recession good for copywriting?


In case you've been living in a cave for the past year, it's pretty obvious we're going into a global recession.

A recession is when GDP falls for two successive quarters (sorry US government).

This basically means economic activity is on the down.

People are spending less money.

Banks aren't accepting as many loan applications.

Businesses are cutting costs and making redundancies.

So, in theory, you'd think things are pretty bad for copywriters.

If businesses aren't spending as much then you'll have fewer opportunities.

However, I think a recession could be a good thing for the copywriting industry.

At the moment there are a lot of copywriters giving the industry a bad name.

You know.

Those guys who create a landing page for $20, undercut the competition and devalue copywriting as a service.

When the recession gets bad these guys are going to be wiped out.


Businesses will need results.

They won't be able to take risks with cheap copywriters.

Which means there will be more opportunities than ever for copywriters with a track record.

Now, this doesn't mean if you're a new copywriter you're going to fail.

But it means you need to get results and get them fast.

The sooner you can begin building a track record of successful projects the better.

Then when the recession really hits, you can show businesses why you're worth working with.

In the meantime, put your head down and focus.

Avoid negative people.

Avoid watching the news.

Avoid mindlessly scrolling on social media.

Focus on tasks that are going to get the ball rolling.

Outreach. Improving copy. Generating sales.

Building a solid foundation now will mean you thrive when everyone else is struggling.

You've had the warning.

Now it's time to take action.

Have a great week.

- Copy "Beat The Recession" Maverick

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