Subject: Is Twitter dead?

Why most business owners are moving elsewhere...

Over the last year I took a break from building on social media.

Instead, I focused on scaling my business and generated more money than ever before.

This year I started posting again and what I found was...

A mess.

Twitter is full of generic AI threads and clowns like this who tell people it takes 2 years to build a six figure income online.

A quick look at his profile will show you he's never made a dollar online.

But here's the thing...

Social media has become a front.

It's full of broke people trying to sell to other broke people.

Now, I'm not saying there aren't outliers and people offering value.

But these really are the minority.

There are too many "coaches" who have never had a business, "agencies" that have never had a client, and "copywriters" giving advice having never made a sale.

It's the blind leading the blind.

So where exactly am I going with this?

It's never been more important to curate your timeline.

Back in 2020-2021 90% of the people on Twitter already had businesses and were offering actual value.

In 2025 most of the big accounts are teaching others how to build a big account.

They don't actually run real businesses.

And here's a little secret...

Most of them aren't making money.

Especially if they don't have a real profile picture.

So what can you do?

1) Learn from the very best

Chances are the Twitter course you bought is just regurgitated content from a classic book.

For copywriting think:

  • Breakthrough Advertising

  • Cashvertising

  • Scientific Advertising

Instead of paying for an overpriced course just buy the books.

2) Question the legitimacy of big accounts

Are they offering actionable advice?

Or are they writing AI threads that appeal to the mainstream?

If it's the latter, chances are they're not legit

3) Choose 3-5 people to learn from

Focus solely on their content (books, podcasts, social media, etc).

Everything else is just noise.

While it might be helpful, you're just going to burn yourself out trying to learn from everyone.

Honestly, the sooner you do this the better.

I wasted a good year trying to take advice from everyone.

Don't make the same mistake.

Have a great week,

Copy "Cut the clutter" Maverick

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