Subject: I fired a client


Last Monday I fired a client.

They paid well but the red flags were starting to mount.

The first month I worked with them was great.

Their briefs were clear, communication was good & I got them some good results.

The second month some issues started to arise.

They were slow to reply to my questions. They were late paying an invoice. Their briefs lacked detail.

This month was our third month working together.

They messaged me at 10pm on a Friday demanding work.

They started ignoring my questions altogether whilst requesting work.

And finally, they were 8 days late paying an invoice.

I'd had enough.

Once the invoice had been paid I told them I'm no longer working with them.

They didn't take it well, but the reality was they were becoming an awful client.

They were causing more stress than they were worth.

When I first started as a copywriter, this decision would have terrified me.

In fact, I probably would have continued to work with them.

But you need to learn your value.

Not just the value of your time and skills, but your mental health.

No client should ever harm your mental health.

You can always replace them.

They're not worth being miserable for.

Remember this when a client starts to demand more than they're paying for.

There's always someone who will pay more for the same service.

Have a great week.

- Copy Mav

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