Subject: How you can optimise your sales funnel

It all starts with the first purchase

You may have heard the sentence:

"The best people to sell to are those who have already bought from you"

At this point it's basically a platitude.

But why is this the case?

You see, as humans we're naturally cautious about new things.

So much so that we will often choose something that's worse for us because it's familiar.

You see this all the time with friendships, relationships and business.

This is a defense mechanism that goes back to our "chimp brain".

In the past trying something new could mean life or death.

You try a new berry and it could taste great.

You try another berry and you could have a bad stomach.

And if you try mushrooms there's a chance you could be on a trip to see god.

While in the modern world the consequences are less drastic, the same defense mechanism applies.

As a result, the first sale is always the hardest to get.

But once you get it, the game changes entirely.

So how do you go about doing that?

The easiest way is with a free trial or discount.

The aim is to get a prospect to commit.

  • Write 5 emails for half price

  • Give a 14-day free-trial

  • Offer a 30% discount

Make the prospect feel like they're getting a bargain.

Once they've committed you're now in a strong position.

Studies show that only 5.8% of people go back after committing to an initial purchase.

And out of the people who bought, 89% go on to buy again.

This is where you can optimise your sales funnel.

After someone makes an exchange (financial, time, energy, etc) they begin to justify in their mind why this was the right decision.

You can make this easier by offering fast results.

  • Show a user how to get the most out of their subscription

  • Send a campaign to instantly increase revenue

  • Send the product with fast 1st class delivery

After doing this the buyer has internal and external validation about why they purchased something.

And now they're significantly more likely to buy again.

Once you understand the psychology around commitment you can begin to optimise your sales funnels.

Doing this will lead to more results.

More results will lead to more clients.

More clients will lead to more cash in your pocket.

It's a win-win for everyone involved.

Have a great week,

Copy "rule of commitment" Mav

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