Subject: How you can build long term client relationships

Landing a client is just the start of your work...

A lot of people overly focus on landing a client.

They put all their effort into outreach, only to realise they have no idea how to manage client expectations.

Here's how I personally build long-term client relationships.

Phase 1: Onboarding

The last thing you want is for your buyer to get buyer's remorse.

Once you've signed a client, send a loom or email breaking down:

  • What you plan to do for them over the next 30 days

  • Reminding them of the results they should get

  • How you'll deliver these results

You should also offer another call to answer any questions they have.

After this, you want to get a win as quickly as possible.

> Rewrite a flow

> Send out a campaign

> Revamp part of their funnel

The sooner you can make your client's initial investment, the better.

Once you've onboarded a new client and delivered an initial result, move on to phase 2.

Phase 2: Monthly Reports

On the 1st of every month, I'll send a report to my clients that outlines the following:

> How many emails we wrote

> How much revenue they generated

> The percentage this has increased/ decreased from the month before

> A review of the month's performance

> A breakdown of how we'll take action to improve this month

I'll also mention several dates to have a monthly call to break down the report.

These reports have 2 benefits.

Firstly, they're great for holding yourself accountable.

You can see exactly what areas you need to improve.

Secondly, they offer a new level of transparency for clients.

Most agencies/ business owners do the bare minimum.

By showing your client exactly how you're generating more money for them (and doing so with a simple breakdown) you're showing why you're a good fit.

This makes it easy to work with you and ensures you deliver a great service.

With any client relationship, the key to success is transparency.

You're not always going to deliver the best results.

Markets change, trends impact sales, and other external factors can influence your performance.

But if you're fully transparent with your clients, they will understand.

Don't lie just to save face.

Be honest and upfront.

This way, you won't need to keep landing new clients.

You'll have clients that pay you every month for years to come.

Have a great week,

Copy "always overdeliver" Mav

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