Subject: How you can build confidence as a copywriter


During your first few years as a copywriter you'll doubt yourself.

"Can I do this?" and "Is this the right career for me?" are common questions.

This is completely normal.

In fact, it would be concerning if you'd never had these thoughts.

To tackle them you need to build your confidence.

Though this takes time, it's always worth it in the long run.

Here are 3 ways you can get started today.

Take On Big Projects.

If you look at a project and think "This project is too complex for me" apply.

To gain confidence, you need to become comfortable being uncomfortable.

Take on projects that push you out of your comfort zone.

Take on projects that'll leave you sleepless at night.

Doing this will help you build belief in yourself and your skillset.

The more you do it, the easier it'll become.

“If you want to learn to swim jump into the water." - Bruce Lee

Accept Failure

No copywriter has a 100% success rate.

If anyone tells you they do, they're lying.

It's impossible to achieve success with every project.

This means it's completely acceptable to fail.

It won't be the end of your career.

Instead, it can be used to reflect, learn and take yourself to the next level.

"The only people who never fail are those who never try." - Ilka Chase


If you go to sleep at night knowing you put 110% into everything you created you'll be happy.

Even if you don't get the feedback you expected, you'd have grown.

You'll know in yourself that you put everything into your work.

And 9/10 times, your work will be accepted.

The more it's accepted, the more your confidence will grow.

This will also set you up for success in the long run.

You'll naturally develop the mindset of consistently over delivering.

"Overdeliver and soon you shall be overpaid" - Napoleon Hill


Over the past 2 weeks I've had A LOT of feedback from these challenges.

So many new copywriters out there are killing it.

This week I'll keep it simple.

Every day, do 1 thing that takes you out of your comfort zone.

It doesn't have to be writing related.

All that person out. Go to that class. Up those weights.

As always, let me know how it goes.

Keep smashing your goals,

Copy Mav

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