Subject: How to land your first copywriting client


Landing your first client is a big challenge for many new copywriters.

The challenge?

It can be hard to know where to start.

Especially if you have no experience or testimonials.

The secret?

It isn't as hard as everyone makes out.

Here are 3 easy ways you can land your first client.

Use your network

This technique is criminally underused.

Ask around your family, friends and peers to see who knows a business owner.

Chances are someone will know one.

Ask to be put into contact with the owner and offer to re-write their copy for a testimonial.

Most people will say yes to this.

Complete the job and make sure you exceed all expectations.

If you do a good enough job some people will even refer you to another client.

If they don't you can then use this testimonial to land more clients anyway.

Freelancer Sites

Now don't get me wrong.

Freelancer sites aren't perfect in the long run.

However, sites such as UpWork are great for starting out.

Set up a profile and make it as unique as possible.

Once your profile is complete start applying for 5-10 jobs a day.

You'll easily have your first project within a week.

It's really that simple.

Social Media

Although it can appear saturated, social media is a great way to land your first client.

On Facebook there are many copywriting groups where people need writers.

Some include:

> Copywriting Jobs

> Freelance Copywriter Collective

> Content Writing & Copywriting Forum

Twitter is also a great place to land clients.

Message business owners and offer to complete some work for free.

Usually they'll say yes. If they don't, it's no loss.

Much like freelance platforms the quality of clients can be questionable.

However, when you're starting out something is better than nothing.

And you never know, you may find a hidden gem during your search.

Once you have that first testimonial then landing your second client will be much easier.


Whether you're looking to find your first client or expand your current client base, I challenge you to sign one new client this week.

You can use the techniques above or some of your personal favourites.

If you have any unique options I'd love to hear about them!

Have another great week!

Speak to you soon,

Copy Mav

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