Subject: How to land retainer clients


The other day I spoke with a copywriter/

He said he has an issue signing retainer clients.

He would complete single projects in a few days.

The day after he'd be looking for more work.

This is a problem that many copywriters experience.

They land projects that don't provide them with a regular income.

As a result they eventually run out of cash and fail.

If this sounds like a problem you have, here are 3 easy ways you can sign retainer clients.

Set Up A Funnel

Most clients will come to you needing content for a single page.

A home page. A landing page. A product page.

But most need much more than that.

They need a funnel.

Offer to set this up for them.

Write copy for ads. Emails. Different pages.

You can then charge a monthly retainer and a % profit share.

Show them the benefits of doing this and most clients will happily accept.

Work With An Agency

Agencies as a whole get a bad reputation.

Yes some are terrible. They'll work you to death.

But many can be great to work with.

They'll also provide you with a monthly retainer.

You can charge x price for x landing pages every month.

You can charge x price for x email sequences every month.

One you've built a good relationship they may even refer more work to you.

Some of my best projects have come from agencies.

Work With Bigger Clients

I have a friend that works with Zara.

They're never short for work.

After one project they're straight onto the next.

Now working with bigger companies can sometimes be difficult.

You need to stand out in your application.

Do something unqiue for them.

Re-write a landing page. Write an ad for free. Send them a challenge.

"Use my copy for 3 weeks to test your conversions. If nothing happens you don't pay me anything. If it does, you take me on for more projects."

If your work is good, you'll be accepted. Worst case you'll get rejected.

What matters is that you get better each time you try something new.


Set a goal this month to sign a retainer client.

Great industries to do this for include:

> Crypto

> Health

> E-com

Create an irresistible offer and use an outreach method you know well.

You'll end the month richer than you started.

Have a great week,

Copy Mav

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