Subject: How to land more copywriting projects


It's no secret that copywriting is saturated at the bottom.

Thousands of copywriters bidding for cheap clients competing on one thing: price.

It's a race to the bottom and one that will leave you stressed, broke, and hating your profession.

But copywriting doesn't (and shouldn't) be this way.

There are hundreds of ways to stand out from the crowd and scale your copywriting business.

Here are 3 ways I've found to be effective when you're starting out.

1) Show Tangible Results

Bigger companies will pay copywriters for results.

If you can show results in your applications then you're already a step ahead of your competition.

For every project you want to collect the numbers.

How much revenue did you generate?

How much did you increase sales?

How much did conversions go up?

Some clients may be reluctant to share this information.

Tell them you want to use it to optimize the content.

In most cases they'll be happy to share the numbers.

You can then showcase these numbers in your portfolio to increase your chances of being hired.

2) Build Your Skill Stack

The chances of being in the top 1% of copywriters are pretty small.

Not only are you competing against copywriters with decades of experience, but also new copywriters with more leverage than you.

Instead of competing with them directly, build your skill stack.

But what do I mean by this?

Instead of being in the top 1% of one skill, be in the top 5-10% in several skills that complement each other.

For example

Instead of being a top 1% copywriter, you can be in the top 5% in copywriting, human psychology, email writing, and funnel building.

This way you can stand out from other copywriters by offering a more well-rounded service.

3) Send More Applications

This may sound simple but most people give up after a few rejections.

If you want to land more copywriting projects you need to send more applications.

Will you experience more rejection? Yes.

Will you be able to learn from each rejection? Also yes.

The more applications you send the better they'll become.

The better they become, the more you'll stand out from other copywriters.

4) Connect With More Experienced Copywriters

As well as more skills, copywriters at the next level have another thing: connections.

I've found that the right connections can get you projects you'd never get yourself.

Why? Because copywriters talk.

If you're starting to make a name for yourself and have connected with the right people, they'll refer you to jobs.

Often, you won't even need to apply. The businesses will come to you.

Now I'm not saying go out there and DM every copywriter you know.

You want to be authentic. You want to build REAL connections.

How? Start by doing something for them.

Ask if they have any work they don't have time for.

Once you've opened a line of communication continue to offer value.


If you have no copywriting experience/ results you're not going to get a reply.

You need to do the work before you're even acknowledged.

Don't DM people if you haven't already got the skills/ experience to be in the room.

For example, there's no point in offering to work for free if you have no experience.

You'll be more of an inconvenience than anything else. Harsh, but true.

Do the work first and then you can open these lines of communication.

Use each of these tips to increase how often you're hired for jobs.

Combine them and you'll be well on your way to building a strong foundation for your copywriting business.

Let me know if you have any questions & I'll get back to you later this week.

- Copy Mav

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