Subject: How to double revenue without signing new clients


A few weeks ago I sent an email discussing the mindset needed to increase your prices.

I got a lot of feedback, with one theme standing out: how to increase the value of your current clients.

While I don't think there's a one shoe fits all solution, some strategies are more effective than others.

Here are 3 such strategies.

1. Upselling Your Services

In most niches, upsells play an important part in sales.

If you buy a course you'll be sold coaching.

If you buy a supplement you'll be sold a bundle.

If you buy a spar session you'll be sold skin products.

It's a simple way to increase customer value and something you can easily apply to your copywriting business.

Let's say a client comes to you needing help with a landing page.

You give them a price & deliver great results.

The client's extremely happy.

Now you can sell them another copywriting service.

Offer to re-write their emails (and if they don't have any pitch an offer to write them).

Offer to look at (and optimize) the different areas of their sales funnel.

Offer to re-write another landing page of theirs.

There's a lot you can sell clients on, just make sure it's something they need!

2. Build A Referral System

Building a referral system is a game changer.

It's the easiest way to land new clients & a way to generate a stable income relatively quickly.

Business owners talk.

This means your client will likely know other business owners in their niche.

Use this to your advantage.

Offer to pay them 10% of the sign-on fee for any client they refer.

If you've already generated results for them this is a no-brainer.

They make money and can trust you to deliver.

In my experience I've never had someone reject this offer.

After all, who's going to say no to free money?

3. Name A Price You're Uncomfortable With

The biggest jump to make when increasing your prices is a mental one.

The sooner you can overcome this mental barrier the better.

Sell email services at $2k/ month?

Pitch your next prospect $5k.

Will they always accept this price? No.

Sometimes they'll try to negotiate you down.

But they'll negotiate you to $4k thinking they just got 20% off your service.

In the meantime you've doubled the value of your client simply by having the confidence to name a higher price.

What makes this trick even more effective is that it completely prices out cheap clients.

Once you name your price negotiating you down to $1k and below will be impossible.

Fewer cheap clients = fewer headaches.

Fewer headaches = more time to get results for your good clients.

With any of these tips, you want to make sure you've already generated REAL results.

Show that you've doubled conversions.

Show how much you've made through email.

Show the difference before and after a company hired you.

If you haven't generated results yet then you have no business increasing your prices.

Build those results first.

Once you have those, implement these tips and you can take your copywriting business from $2k/ month to $5k+ without needing a huge outreach campaign.

- Copy Mav

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